
[스크랩] [윤희영의 News English] 양팔 없는 아들의 눈물겨운 효도

good해월 2015. 9. 11. 08:02


[윤희영의 News English]


양팔 없는 아들의 눈물겨운 효도


윤희영 조선뉴스프레스 부장대우

입력 : 2015.09.01 03:00 | 수정 : 2015.09.01 11:20




중국의 한 효성 지극한 아들(a devoted son)이 전

세계인들의 감동을 자아내고 있다.

(strike fire from the hearts of people all around the world).

효자·효녀 칭송받는(be eulogized as a filial son or a dutiful daughter)

자식이야 많지만, 이 아들은 그중에서도 군계일학(the best of the bunch)이다.





어린 시절 엄마가 그래주셨듯, 이제는 연로하신 어머니께

숟가락으로 음식을 떠먹여드린다(spoon-feed his aged mother).

그런데 숟가락을 든 것이 손이 아니라 입이다.

이빨로 숟가락을 물고(hold it between his teeth)

바르르 떨며 뽀뽀하듯 어머니에게 다가가 간신히 음식을 넣어드린다.

손은커녕 양쪽 팔 어느 쪽도 없어서다.

두 어깨 아래로 아무것도 없다. 몸통과 두 다리뿐이다.



이런 장애에도 온몸이 마비된 어머니를 극진히 봉양하고 있는

(devotedly look after his paralyzed mother despite the disability)

천싱인(陳星銀·48)씨는 일곱 살 때 두 팔을 잃었다.

엄청난 감전 사고를 당했다(get a massive electric shock).



14세 때부터 두 발로 씨앗을 뿌리고,

'옥수수 속대를 벗겨내고(peel corn cobs),

바구니 엮는 법을 배우며(learn to weave baskets)

집안 생계유지를 도와야(help his family make ends meet) 했다.

그런 와중에 집안의 기둥이자 가장

(the breadwinner as well as the prop and stay of the family)

이던 아버지마저 돌아가시고(pass away) 말았다.

28년 전인 20세 때였다.



이후 생계는 오롯이 그의 몫이 됐다.

형과 누나들이 있었지만 모두 집을 떠나버려 그와 노모만 남게 됐다.

홀로 작은 땅뙈기를 일구며 자리에 누워 계신 어머니를

밤낮으로 돌봐야(take care of his bed-ridden mother around the clock) 했다.

가난에 찌든 가정을 꾸려가야 하는

(keep the poverty-stricken family going)

유일한 식구였다.



가뜩이나 약하던 어머니는 해가 갈수록 쇠약해져갔다

(waste away as years go by).

그러더니 90세가 되신 지난해부터는 양팔도 움직이지 못하시게 됐다.



그의 왼발 발등에는 큰 식칼 자국(a scar from a cleaver)이 있다.

어머니가 병약해지신 후 음식 수발을 들기 위해

오른발 발가락들로 큰 식칼 움켜쥐는 법을 익히다가 떨어뜨려 꽂힌 상처다.

양발 발가락들은 매년 겨울 동상에 걸린다

(get frostbites on the toes of his both feet).

양말 신는 것이 너무 힘들어

일년 내내 맨발로 지내기(forgo socks all year round) 때문이다.



주위에선 가슴 아픈 환경 속에(in heartwrenching circumstances)

겨우 연명하는(keep the wolf from the door)

그에게 구걸로 먹고사는 걸 생각해보라고

(consider living by begging) 권하기도 한다.

그러면 성을 낸다. 두 발로도 어머니 모시고 살 수 있다고,

구걸 나간 사이엔 누가 돌봐드리느냐고….



"선산(先山) 지키는 건 못나고 굽은 소나무" 라는 말이 있다.

이 아들은 뿌리 외엔 가지조차 뜯겨버린

못나고 굽은 몸뚱어리로 어머니 곁을 지키고 있다.




Devoted son who lost both arms as a child feeds sick mother - using his teeth

Touching images show a rural family who have thrived against the odds, and reveal the lengths a son is prepare to go to when it comes to motherly love

RexChen Xingyin
Mother and son: Chen Xingyin holds a spoon in the mouth to feed his mother

A son feeding his mother is nothing that unusual in older age, but this touching picture of filial devotion has gone viral.

It shows a son - who has lost both his arms - feeding his mother, despite his own disability.

Chen Xinyin from Chongqing, south west China, lost his arms after getting a massive electric shock aged seven, reports People's Daily online.

The 48-year-old didn't let that stop him from looking after his 91-year-old mother, though, as these amazing images show.

RexChen Xingyin
Making do: Brave Chen holds a spoon in the mouth to fill a bowl with rice

Devoted Chen cooks, farms sheep and buffalo on the family homestead and nurses his elderly mum, a task he's been doing full-time since 2014.

As well as his own issues, he's been dealing with his mum's paralysis since July, and has developed coping mechanisms that most of us could not, such as feeding her with a spoon held in his own mouth.

Since his older brothers and sisters have left the family homestead and his father passed away 28 years ago, Chen has shown that he has what it takes to look after himself and his mum in heartwrenching circumstances.

Learning to use a cleaver with his right foot, he bears the scars of an accident on his left, but still he has pushed ahead.

RexChen Xingyin
Living without arms: Chen holds a bowl between his jaw and shoulder

He not only learned to light a fire and other household chores, but also learned planting and other farm work.

Because of his disability, he finds it too difficult to put on socks, even in the winter.

But despite his own worries, he told local media that his biggest worry is who will look after his mum if anything happens to him.



☞ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3208646/The-picture-moved-China-Devoted-son-lost-arms-electric-shock-spoon-feeds-sick-mother-using-TEETH.html


☞ http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/devoted-son-who-lost-both-6315540

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